PROVERBS | Part VI | Last Call
Godly wisdom is useless for fools and prideful scoffers. Humble hearts are necessary to know you need wisdom, desire wisdom, and apply wisdom. Before Proverbs moves into more specific instructions laid out in later chapters, we get a call back to the “why” and “who” of wisdom for life.
Humility and Honor (8:1-21) – Godly wisdom is ever present especially at key decision points on our journeys calling us toward what is prudent, profitable, and honorable. Wisdom is more valuable than wealth and more to be desired than precious jewels. While wisdom can be a reward on its own it also gives principals which often lead to other positive tangible outcomes. Godly wisdom, well applied in our lives, can lead to wealth, honor, effective leadership, and lasting legacies.
Wise Creation (8:22-31) – God used wisdom in how He created everything. This means all that is good in creation is part of God’s wise design. Nothing was created by God haphazardly or without great intentionality and purpose. The implication for us is if God was wise in creating the world, we should be wise in interacting and navigating the world. Additionally, it should cause us to marvel and worship our Creator.
Come and Feast on Wisdom (8:32-9:6) – We are all starved for wisdom and guidance. We are not without provision or hope. Simple and lacking sense is not how we need to remain. A grand buffet of wisdom and guidance has been prepared for us. We have been invited by God to feast on his Wisdom and guidance for the purposes of our joy and prosperity.
Fast and flee from Folly (9:7-18) – We will either have humble tender hearts ready to receive correction and instruction, or we will in pride believe we already have all the answers. Wisdom given to the proud will be self-righteously rejected causing greater conflict and ultimately condemnation. Contrite reverence for the Lord softens our hearts and allows His wisdom to guide us toward abundant life. While wisdom calls us loudly to come and feast so does folly. We do well to feast on godly wisdom while also intentionally fasting from the world’s foolishness.
The choice we are given between folly and wisdom is binary. It is ultimately a choice between the path leading to life or death. But the choice is not in how we will live our lives but in where we find life. Jesus is clear He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is calling us to turn from our pride and folly and run to His feast of mercy and grace. Choose wisely.
What part of the text or sermon had the greatest impact on you? Did you learn anything new about God or yourself? What did you learn about wisdom, humility, and honor?
Why is the orientation and condition of our heart so important in how we interact with godly wisdom?
When has pride impacted your ability to receive wisdom? What was the outcome? What did you learn?
How does knowing God was wise in how He designed creation with intentional purpose lead you to greater worship and/or obedience?
PRAY- Praise God the Father who created everything with wisdom and purpose. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead us away from foolish pride to greater humility, and ultimately honor. Thank Jesus for calling is to abundant life in Him as we wisely feast on His mercy and grace to us and for us.