PROVERBS | Part IV | Wise Sexuality

Oct 6, 2024    Christopher Rich

Solomon begins to move from general admonishments about foolishness and encouragement towards wisdom to specific warnings and instruction. The first practical topic he addresses (and returns to often) is our sexuality. While the world makes unfettered sexuality an idol and the foundation of our identity, God has given it to us as a powerful gift to steward with wisdom. How we understand and practice our sexuality matters because it is such an intrinsic part of our being AND has the some of the greatest consequences in our relationships, family, and lives.

Wise Warning (5:1-6) – God designed our sexuality to be both pure and pleasurable in His prescribed context of marriage between a man and woman. Because sex includes pleasure it can be enticing to pursue it outside of God’s context. Yet, this is short sighted and ill considered, trading short term sweetness ultimately leading to long term bitterness.

Foolish Consequences (5:7-14) –When our sexuality is practiced outside of the context of marriage there are consequences. Speaking from tragic personal family experience, Solomon knows adultery can destroy families, stealing honor, and ruining legacies. Moments of pleasure are not worth decades of pain and regret.

Fruitful Fidelity (5:15-23) – Sexual desire is to be directed properly. Faithful sexuality may look like singleness and celibacy for some for a season or for life. For those who are married their sexual desires are to be directed towards their spouse for their mutual joy.

Flirting with Fire (6:23-35) – Sexual sin is not something that can be simply appeased. In vivid terms, Solomon describes how unchecked sexuality can consume us like a fire scorching our relationships.

Destructive Desire (7:1-27) – Our sexuality is so significant; warnings are repeated to reinforce just how high the stakes are maintaining sexual purity. Solomon is seeing in real time the consequences of a sexually confused culture caught in a trap leading to destruction and death.

Hope for Sexual Sinners – Many of us are all too familiar with the cost sexual sin can have on our souls and relationships because we are paying for them with shame and loss. We are not without hope. Jesus dined with prostitutes and graciously restores sexual sinners admonishing them to go and sin no more. The cross pays for the penalty of our sin and His blood washes the sexually impure white as snow. Rescued and redeemed, we can experience freedom and healing as we honor God with our bodies. 

What part of the text or sermon had the greatest impact on you? Did you learn anything new about God or yourself? What did you learn about godly sexuality?

How was sexuality talked about, or not talked about, in your family when you were growing up? What other influences shaped your understanding of sexuality? Were they helpful or harmful?

How does the Bible’s vision of flourishing and faithful sexuality contrast with our culture’s perspectives and practices? How is God ultimately “sex positive?”

When or how has sexual sin impacted your family or relationships? How does the gospel give hope and healing for sexual sin?

PRAY- Praise God the Father for His good design for marriage and sexuality for His glory and our joy. Ask Holy Spirit’s to guide and guard your heart toward enduring sexual fidelity and to heal where there is brokenness or shame. Thank Jesus for bearing our shame on the cross, paying for our sin, and washing us clean by His blood so we can live new lives of holiness and fidelity.