Jesus & Politics | What about Voting?

How should we think about voting as a Christian?
The current partisan divide of Right & Left should lead us to be at least a little unsatisfied with how we identify and engage with politics. By avoiding the simple polarization of today’s right and left, Christians are not seeking a soft centrism or impotent moderation. Rather we pursue clear convictions with compassion to form a prophetic voice which transcends parties while pointing our ultimate allegiance to our King Jesus, and eternal hope in His Kingdom. It also means how we vote matters.
“Who you vote for is not a spiritual matter.” Wrong! Who or what you vote for or against is a spiritual as how you vote with your dollars or how you vote with your body. God cares about your bedroom and ballot. Throughout Scripture, figures like Joseph, Moses, Esther, Daniel, Nehemiah, John the Baptist, and Paul demonstrate the importance of political engagement.
Here are three practical concepts about voting adapted from various pastors regarding how we think about voting in our current political/religious culture:
#1: A Vote is Not a Valentine
A vote is not a Valentine, It is a chess move to the future you hope to have for you, your family, your neighbor, and your country. We don’t vote on vibes, memes, or sound bites, we vote on policies and platforms. Your vote is not a love letter or doctrinal statement, but it is an act of stewardship and discipleship. If you are a Christian, you are not your own you are God’s. If your God can’t come with you into the voting booth, or the town square, then you won’t let him into the bedroom, or your wallet, or your family, or anything of any import or value. We don’t sit elections out and we don’t disengage from our cities AND we don’t forget His mission. To Love God and Love People, means we vote to love our neighbors as ourselves. It requires wisdom and discernment to look beyond (not past) personalities and preferred pundits to platforms promoted and policies enacted.
#2: A Selection is Not a Sacrament
Often around elections Christians hear a quote from Charles Spurgeon, “Between the lesser of two evils, choose neither.” The only problem is the context Spurgeon was talking about was NOT politics, but it was concerning doctrinal error and Christian living. The reality is every election since the fall of humanity has been an election of the lesser of two evils… I want less evil and you should too. The election both candidates are known to have high profile sex scandals and has shown they will move anyone out of the way for political power. We are not selecting a pastor we are selecting policies we think will lead to the most flourishing on what government is supposed to do, namely national defense, and economic prosperity. Christians are called to be Salt of the earth. Salt slows decay so we must look at what policies will do the least damage and which will slow decay the most. Votes don’t save people, but they may make things better.
#3: A Ballot Box is Not a Mail Box to Send a Message
We vote not to make point, but to make a difference. You might think sitting out, voting third party, or voting in protest will send a message of change to politicians in power. It won’t because they don’t know who or how you voted and they only care who won or lost the election.
“We are now called upon to exercise one of the privileges and duties which go with liberty, let no man be neglectful in it. Every God fearing man should give his vote with as much devotion as he prays.” - Charles Spurgeon
A recent study by Barna indicates that as many as 30 Million Christians plan to sit out this election. If Godly Christians don’t vote or attempt to influence government, godless people will.
Our Allegiance is to Jesus Always and forever.
Our vote is for our nation, our neighbors, and our families today and tomorrow.
Finally, don’t place your identity and hope in your political affiliation or candidates’ fortunes. Following anyone but Jesus is eternally foolish. Empires may rise and fall, but Jesus is forever. Tiberius is dead, Rome is in ruins, at some point we will be dead, and the US will be no more, but Jesus Christ the King is alive. He has people in His kingdom from every nation and His Kingdom will last forever!
We will find our place of blessing and refuge in our King when we Trust Jesus!
The current partisan divide of Right & Left should lead us to be at least a little unsatisfied with how we identify and engage with politics. By avoiding the simple polarization of today’s right and left, Christians are not seeking a soft centrism or impotent moderation. Rather we pursue clear convictions with compassion to form a prophetic voice which transcends parties while pointing our ultimate allegiance to our King Jesus, and eternal hope in His Kingdom. It also means how we vote matters.
“Who you vote for is not a spiritual matter.” Wrong! Who or what you vote for or against is a spiritual as how you vote with your dollars or how you vote with your body. God cares about your bedroom and ballot. Throughout Scripture, figures like Joseph, Moses, Esther, Daniel, Nehemiah, John the Baptist, and Paul demonstrate the importance of political engagement.
Here are three practical concepts about voting adapted from various pastors regarding how we think about voting in our current political/religious culture:
#1: A Vote is Not a Valentine
A vote is not a Valentine, It is a chess move to the future you hope to have for you, your family, your neighbor, and your country. We don’t vote on vibes, memes, or sound bites, we vote on policies and platforms. Your vote is not a love letter or doctrinal statement, but it is an act of stewardship and discipleship. If you are a Christian, you are not your own you are God’s. If your God can’t come with you into the voting booth, or the town square, then you won’t let him into the bedroom, or your wallet, or your family, or anything of any import or value. We don’t sit elections out and we don’t disengage from our cities AND we don’t forget His mission. To Love God and Love People, means we vote to love our neighbors as ourselves. It requires wisdom and discernment to look beyond (not past) personalities and preferred pundits to platforms promoted and policies enacted.
#2: A Selection is Not a Sacrament
Often around elections Christians hear a quote from Charles Spurgeon, “Between the lesser of two evils, choose neither.” The only problem is the context Spurgeon was talking about was NOT politics, but it was concerning doctrinal error and Christian living. The reality is every election since the fall of humanity has been an election of the lesser of two evils… I want less evil and you should too. The election both candidates are known to have high profile sex scandals and has shown they will move anyone out of the way for political power. We are not selecting a pastor we are selecting policies we think will lead to the most flourishing on what government is supposed to do, namely national defense, and economic prosperity. Christians are called to be Salt of the earth. Salt slows decay so we must look at what policies will do the least damage and which will slow decay the most. Votes don’t save people, but they may make things better.
#3: A Ballot Box is Not a Mail Box to Send a Message
We vote not to make point, but to make a difference. You might think sitting out, voting third party, or voting in protest will send a message of change to politicians in power. It won’t because they don’t know who or how you voted and they only care who won or lost the election.
“We are now called upon to exercise one of the privileges and duties which go with liberty, let no man be neglectful in it. Every God fearing man should give his vote with as much devotion as he prays.” - Charles Spurgeon
A recent study by Barna indicates that as many as 30 Million Christians plan to sit out this election. If Godly Christians don’t vote or attempt to influence government, godless people will.
Our Allegiance is to Jesus Always and forever.
Our vote is for our nation, our neighbors, and our families today and tomorrow.
Finally, don’t place your identity and hope in your political affiliation or candidates’ fortunes. Following anyone but Jesus is eternally foolish. Empires may rise and fall, but Jesus is forever. Tiberius is dead, Rome is in ruins, at some point we will be dead, and the US will be no more, but Jesus Christ the King is alive. He has people in His kingdom from every nation and His Kingdom will last forever!
We will find our place of blessing and refuge in our King when we Trust Jesus!
Posted in Jesus & Politics
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