Upside Down Kingdom: Mission & Message | Week 5 | Preserving & Proclaiming the Kingdom | Matthew 5:13-20

Week 5 | Preserving & Proclaiming the Kingdom

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. -Matthew 5:14-16

Matthew 5:13-20
From internal heart disposition to external engagement Jesus teaches His disciples what the impact of living out kingdom character will be in the world. Jesus’ disciples are not retreating from a broken and dark world but are helping to positively transform it with their presence and actions.

Distinct Disciples (5:13-16) – While our identity as disciples is “In Christ” our role in the world is to be both Salt and Light. During this time, Salt is not primarily a flavoring but a necessary preservative from rot. Likewise, disciples of Jesus are to serve and act in our cultural as a preservative keeping our contexts from further societal decay. This means we will be active in our cities and world while also being distinct from them. We seek and practice wisdom from above and avoid the foolishness of the world.

Similarly, while Jesus is the light of the world, He calls us as His disciples to shine His light into the darkness of the world around us.  Disciples of Jesus are like a great city on a hill whose light is visible to all. Our light can be made visible through tangible good works which are conspicuous to those around us. We do this not to draw attention or acclaim for ourselves, but to point others to the goodness and glory of our King Jesus.

A Kingdom of Law (5:17-20) – If we are going to attempt to shine a light of Good Works, we need to know what those are. Being part of a kingdom means living under the King’s laws. We live out the commands of God, the Law, given to God’s people for His glory and our joy. Experiencing mercy and grace from God in Jesus does mean God does not take His word and will seriously. Jesus’ mission and purpose was not abolishing God’s standards but to fulfill them perfectly the way only He can. All of us have fallen short of the perfection and glory of God. Even the most disciplined religious Pharisee is incapable of achieving salvation. Jesus perfect obedience and fulfillment of the Law does not make the Law smaller; it makes our salvation in Him bigger.

  1. What part of the text or sermon had the greatest impact on you? Did you learn anything new Jesus or the role of Disciples in the world?
  2. What does it mean to be Salt and Light our current cultural context? How is it a tension to be in the world but also distinct from it?
  3. What Good Works is God calling you to? How can being actively obedient to God’s word and will help point others to Jesus?  
  4. How are both legalism and lawlessness insufficient responses to the Gospel? Which do you struggle with most? How does Christ fulfilling the Law give us both comfort and confidence to pursue obedience?

PRAY – Ask that your life and good works would give glory to God the Father in Heaven and point others to Him. Thank Jesus for perfectly fulfilling the Law where we have failed. Seek the Holy Spirit’s power and guidance to be both a disciplined and distinct disciple.

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