Joshua 24 | Victories, Choices, and Lasting Legacies

In Joshua 24 includes a we find a powerful reflection on Israel's history, their choices, and the lasting impact of God's faithfulness. Joshua, nearing the end of his life and leadership, calls Israel to remember the victories God has given them and to choose whom they will serve. His words serve as both a reminder and a challenge, urging the people to acknowledge God's faithfulness, forsake the idols of the culture, and commit to serving the Lord. However, declarations of faith made in the heat of the moment are often tested by time, and true commitment to God requires more than just emotion—it demands a lasting legacy of faith, one that ultimately points not to human effort, but to the faithfulness of God Himself.
PART I | Victories Remembered | Joshua 24:1-13
As his time leading Israel during the Canaanite Conquest is nearing the end, Joshua gathers all the key leaders in Israel to remind them of their history. Their history is really God’s story of mercy and grace to His people. First through His faithfulness to the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, then their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, loved and led through the wilderness God was with them and for them. When brought across the river Jordan God was a mighty warrior sometimes leading His people to victory as they fought and all times being the one who assured and secured victory for Israel. They may have used their swords or bows but it is God who drove out their enemies and is the Champion of His people. Israel is reminded that the cities they dwell in and the fruitfulness they enjoy are not because of their work or effort but where given them graciously by God. The Lord, through Joshua, reminds His people of what He has done in the past so they can be faithful in the present, and hopeful for the future.
PART II | Choose This Day… | Joshua 24:14-15
Resolve to Forsake what is False – Victories have been experienced, sin has been committed, miracles have happened, God’s people continue to be complex mix of faithful and faithless. They succeeded AND tried out all the idols of the land around them. They had made great progress AND there is more work to be done more ground to be taken (or even retaken) THE constant through it all is the faithfulness of God. Joshua recognizes the temptation and easy in which God’s people can forget God’s work and go after the “gods” of the culture around them. There are a lot of other gods/idols that seek our attention and our allegiance, no of which will ultimately satisfy, save, or even sustain us. Being pluralistic is foolish. You can choose who and what you place your faith in. In a seminal rally cry Joshua calls Isreal to a choice but also ratifies who he and his family will serve come what may. He says “This is my choice. Me and my house will serve the Lord” This is a good example, but we need more than a good example, we need Good News. The Bible is not about faithful people, but a God who is faithful to His people despite their faithlessness.
PART III | Caught up in the moment | Joshua 24:16-28
In the moment Israel affirms and agrees with Joshua’s declaration. Of course they will serve the Lord and forsake the foreign gods! Even when Joshua tells them they are not able to be faithful on their own, they double down on their ability to be faithful. He records their response as a covenant but includes a warning about what happens if they deal falsely with the Lord. This scene might resemble the last night of any Christian youth camp or explicitly evangelistic service/crusade. The emotions build, the challenge/call of the Gospel is given, and in these highly emotionally/spiritually charged environments people vigorously make a declaration of allegiance or acceptance to Jesus. Yet like the parable of the sower, not all will endure. Only time and fruitfulness will reveal the sincerity of their salvation or if they were just caught up in the moment.
PART IV | Lasting Legacy | Joshua 24:29-33
PART I | Victories Remembered | Joshua 24:1-13
As his time leading Israel during the Canaanite Conquest is nearing the end, Joshua gathers all the key leaders in Israel to remind them of their history. Their history is really God’s story of mercy and grace to His people. First through His faithfulness to the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, then their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, loved and led through the wilderness God was with them and for them. When brought across the river Jordan God was a mighty warrior sometimes leading His people to victory as they fought and all times being the one who assured and secured victory for Israel. They may have used their swords or bows but it is God who drove out their enemies and is the Champion of His people. Israel is reminded that the cities they dwell in and the fruitfulness they enjoy are not because of their work or effort but where given them graciously by God. The Lord, through Joshua, reminds His people of what He has done in the past so they can be faithful in the present, and hopeful for the future.
PART II | Choose This Day… | Joshua 24:14-15
Resolve to Forsake what is False – Victories have been experienced, sin has been committed, miracles have happened, God’s people continue to be complex mix of faithful and faithless. They succeeded AND tried out all the idols of the land around them. They had made great progress AND there is more work to be done more ground to be taken (or even retaken) THE constant through it all is the faithfulness of God. Joshua recognizes the temptation and easy in which God’s people can forget God’s work and go after the “gods” of the culture around them. There are a lot of other gods/idols that seek our attention and our allegiance, no of which will ultimately satisfy, save, or even sustain us. Being pluralistic is foolish. You can choose who and what you place your faith in. In a seminal rally cry Joshua calls Isreal to a choice but also ratifies who he and his family will serve come what may. He says “This is my choice. Me and my house will serve the Lord” This is a good example, but we need more than a good example, we need Good News. The Bible is not about faithful people, but a God who is faithful to His people despite their faithlessness.
PART III | Caught up in the moment | Joshua 24:16-28
In the moment Israel affirms and agrees with Joshua’s declaration. Of course they will serve the Lord and forsake the foreign gods! Even when Joshua tells them they are not able to be faithful on their own, they double down on their ability to be faithful. He records their response as a covenant but includes a warning about what happens if they deal falsely with the Lord. This scene might resemble the last night of any Christian youth camp or explicitly evangelistic service/crusade. The emotions build, the challenge/call of the Gospel is given, and in these highly emotionally/spiritually charged environments people vigorously make a declaration of allegiance or acceptance to Jesus. Yet like the parable of the sower, not all will endure. Only time and fruitfulness will reveal the sincerity of their salvation or if they were just caught up in the moment.
PART IV | Lasting Legacy | Joshua 24:29-33
Legacy is secure, so is Life with Jesus – We cannot just try harder to be a Joshua and be burdened unrealistic expectations of our own faithfulness. Joshua was in many ways faithful, if not actually perfect. But Joshua’s legacy didn’t endure much beyond his time or the next generation. Read ahead into Judges to see how well God’s people did. Not Good. We don’t follow Joshua, we follow Jesus. Joshua is dead and buried in the land of his inheritance, Jesus died for us, is risen and will return to take us into the land of our inheritance.
*Series Note: I am currently in a Masters in Applied Leadership program at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. In our Bible Survey class we are to select a chapter from our assigned weekly reading to mediate on and write a brief devotional. These blog posts are adapted from these weekly assignments.
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